You can change your email address by going on your profile photo and clicking change email/name menue.
Only paid members can see phone number and email address. (Upgrade your membership now). Please visit Payment.
When a member sends you a Message, it goes straight into your onsite message Inbox. We then send an email to your personal email address to let you know that it's there. To read the messages, simply login to the site and go to your My Box, Messages. If you decide to write back, simply click "reply", write your own message and send away. Your note will go straight into the member's onsite Inbox, and we'll let them know it's there with an email to their personal email address. All communications with other members stay onsite so that you never have to give out any personal information until you feel completely ready.
To update your profile, click "Update Profile" from menubar. Be sure to save your changes at the bottom of the screen when you're done.
When you create your profile or Edit My Profile, besure to complete "Partner preference" page. Based on the information you provided in this page, our system automatically match potential partner for you. You will also receive periodic email from Bibaho Network with the partner profile that matches your criterion.
Yes, people meet on our site daily and meet in person and start relationships. We've also report of many marriages across the world.
Yes, you can cancel you membership anytime you want. Simply click on the button located left hand site of your admin panel.
Yes, you can hide your profile from public. Just click...